Signal to Noise Calculator
Select detector
PIXIS:1340 x 100F TE cooled
PIXIS:1340 x 100B-eXcelon TE cooled
PIXIS:1340 x 100BR-eXcelon TE cooled
PIXIS:1340 x 400F TE cooled
PIXIS:1340 x 400B-eXcelon TE cooled
PIXIS:1340 x 400BR TE cooled
PIXIS:2K 2048 x 512TE cooled
PIXIS:1300 1340 x 1300 TE cooled
PIXIS:256E 1024 x 256 TE cooled
PIXIS:256BR 1024 x 252 TE cooled
PIXIS:1024BUV 1024 x 1024 TE cooled
PIXIS:1024BR 1024 x 1024 TE cooled
BLAZE:100HR TE cooled
BLAZE:400HR TE cooled
BLAZE:100LD TE cooled
BLAZE:400LD TE cooled
SOPHIA:2048B-152 TE cooled
SOPHIA:2048B-132 TE cooled
SOPHIA:4096B-154 TE cooled
ProEM+:1600-200 TE cooled - EMCCD
ProEM+:1600-400 TE cooled - EMCCD
ProEM HS:512BX3 TE cooled - EMCCD
ProEM HS:1024BX3 TE cooled - EMCCD
PyLoN:100 LN Cooled
PyLoN:400 LN Cooled
PyLoN:1300 LN Cooled
PyLoN:2K LN Cooled
PyLoN:2048 LN Cooled
NIRvana 640 TE cooled
NIRvana HS TE cooled
NIRvana 640 LN cooled
QE %
Exposure time,s
High Sensitivity
High Capacity
Chip area mm
Gain 3
Gain 2
Gain 1
Pixel size µm
100 KHz
2 MHz
1 MHz
4 MHz
8 MHz
Single Pixel area µm
Single pixel Dynamic Range
Well capacity ke-
Signal e-/eff.pixel
Sensor temp C°-
S/N Ratio
Dark current e-/pixel/s
System gain e-/count
Readnoise e- rms
Expected counts*
Spherical photon flux
Incident photons,ph/eff.pixel/s
Amplifier mode
: Optimization of system performance for lowest noise or highest SNR.
Binning factor:
The number of pixels to be combined.
Dark current:
The charge accumulated within a well, in the absence of light.
Exposure time:
The length of time that a CCD/CMOS is accumulating charge.
Read noise:
Unwanted signal or disturbance that is generated by the on-chip amplifier
Signal-to-noise ratio:
The ratio of the measured signal to the overall noise at that pixel.
Dynamic Range:
Defined as the linear full well (e-) divided by read noise (e-).
Spherical photon flux:
The number of photons intercepted by a sphere per unit time.
System gain:
Relationship between the detected electrons and A/D units generated
xcess noise:
Statistical nature of the EMCCDs results in excess noise between 1 to 1,4.
EM gain
: Electrons are accelerated from pixel to pixel in the multiplication register.
Correlated Multiple Sampling, a effective noise reduction technique.
Note: * The actual values may be 50-100 counts higher because of the Baseline Offset.
all numbers presented in this calculator should be used purely for reference and comparison purposes only. We do not assume any liability for their accuracy.